Hello, my name is Brett and I am Tragically UN-fit. It's been 10min 34 seconds since my last slice of pizza. (Now everyone join in, 'Hi, Brett') Despite my minor transgression, it's been about 5months since pizza was a staple of my diet. June '09 my life changed (although at the time I did not know how profoundly) when I met Kevin and Michele at Dynamic Strength and Conditioning and I happened upon the Legend of Lurg. Since then I have lost weight, gained muscle, gained confidence, motivation, discovered new talents and re-discovered old ones.
Some of you may be a little disoriented as you may have come here looking for a blog about the wild and crazy world of Cyclocross racing. Others may know me from Dynamic SC and may be wondering what the baby-faced, marshmallowy man-child has to say about fitness that's of interest to you. Perhaps this is a 'what not to do' blog? Well, sort of. If anything, I am like many of you that are trying to make a positive change in your health and lifestyle. You've tried diets, I have tried diets. You've gone to a gym religiously for weeks or months at a time, only to let a vacation, illness, laziness, frustration or boredom de-rail your efforts. I have done the same. You used to be in great shape, you used to be active, you could do some amazing things when you were younger. Same here. You know you could do better than pizza and french fries for dinner, but you're just not sure what else is as easy or as tasty. Well, I'm not that pathetic so you got me on that one... jk. Simple and tasty was my only dietary requirement for too long.
Essentially I am you, or many of you anyway. I am sick of failed diets. I am done forcing a boring and ineffective workout into a day that's already filled with the obligations of a father of three, a husband and a full-time desk job. Being healthy and active is truly a lifestyle and not just another task to cram into your bloated calendar. I'm learning, failing and progressing all at the same time. The improvements I have seen I could not have imagined 5 months ago when I first trudged up the stairs to Dynamic SC wondering to myself if those 4 flights WERE the workout. I am starting to do some amazing things again. I am on my way to becoming Tragically Fit.
Truth be told, I don't know what I am doing half the time. I am trying to figure it out as I go and I am not only leaning on the trainers at Dynamic SC, but the other people that are busting their ass right along with me. I see people sweating and grunting and pushing themselves right next to me. The weight they lift and the reps they complete don't matter to me. It's the effort. It's that look of death on their face during a 20second rest period that turns to a broad smile after the final bell rings 4 rounds later. I am fueled by the energy they emanate and I am inspired by their stories. The 'Legion of the Tragically Fit' has MANY stories. First-responders, marathon and ultra-runners, cyclists, martial artists and average joes/janes that want to reverse the trends of their family tree. I witness their achievements, I admire their dedication and I envy their passion.
I am looking for that same passion inside of me, I am trying to make the right choices. At the most basic level, you choose what you put into your body and choose what you do with it. But before you decide what you do, you need to choose if you will be successful. You don't achieve the results you want by simply showing up at the gym, or switching to the 100 calorie bags of Cheetos. You need to make the choice for success before every task ahead of you. That's step one.
I am currently reading a book titled 'The Spiritual Journey of Joseph L. Greenstein - The Mighty Atom'. As a sickly 14 year old boy he began to learn the principles of physical culture under the tutelage of the Champion Volanko. Volanko said to him, 'Before you begin a task, you must first succeed up here. (Pointing to his head) Mind and Spirit... then action. Like a bullet fired from a gun, once it begins, it is already done.' Volanko then pointed out an ant carrying a burden many times his own size. When Joseph, not yet known as 'The Mighty Atom', asked him how he does it so easily, Volanko simply said, 'He's an insect. He doesn't know he can't.'
So after all my rambling you are probably still asking the same question, why you, Brett? Because, like you, I am trying to find out how to change my life. I am going to share what I learn, introduce you to the people that I meet along the way and hopefully relay their stories in a way that inspires and entertains you. I may pose more questions than answers but hopefully Lurg steps in from time to time to enlighten us.
If that answer is still a little long-winded for your tastes, then I'll simply say this, 'I'm just trying to be an ant. Aren't you?'