I'm ba-ack! Sort of. It's easy enough to say I've been a slacker with my writing lately, but I prefer say that I've been 'living the dream'. My objective has been to write about my journey into a more active and healthy lifestyle so it is a little ironic that I haven't been writing anything lately because... I've been living a more active and healthier lifestyle.
My prime writing times have traditionally been lazy weekend mornings or late nights on Mondays/Wednesday as I didn't have to get up early for the gym. As of about 3 weeks ago my wife Lynne and I have been going out for walks/runs on weekends (sometimes with kids) and just this past Sunday we went for our first bike ride. No more lazy AMs for us. Also in the last few weeks I have been getting up early on Tues/Thurs AM to run. No more late nights. The only negative, no more writing. (and I need the practice)
Lynne and I were just talking this AM about how things have changed in this past year for us. Last spring I dug my size 36 shorts out from the depths of the closet and squeezed myself into them. Last weekend we went shopping for new shorts and I surprisingly slipped into 32s. Lynne slipped her svelt self into sizes she didn't think she'd ever fit into again. (I won't publish her sizes cuz 1 - she's a girl and probably doesn't want me to and 2 - I'm a guy, I will probably get them wrong and end up in the dog house)
For all the hard work we put in at the gym, tweaking our routines at home and with food, overall, the experience itself wasn't difficult. Leading a healthier life is not hard to do. It's committing yourself to do it and finding what works for you that's hard. We each found things that we love to do, made it a priority and it just worked itself out. If you don't know what it is you'd love to do the one piece of advice I would give is to look outside your comfort zone. Don't be intimidated and don't allow yourself to say 'I'd never be able to do that'. If that's what you believe, then you've already failed. Pass the Cool Ranch Doritos please...
Just as we had to adjust our lifestyle to fit in exercise, I'll find a way to fit writing in again. With more activity I ought to have more material.
Just a few quick hits on a variety of topics:
I have an article for Tragically Fit about Trail/Ultra Running coming up as part of a new series of sports/activities. Every couple of weeks/months I will try something new, write about the sports and my experience with it. The articles will also profile an athlete or two (recreational, amateur or pro) to provide their story on what makes them 'tragically fit' and show how everyday people find ways to challenge and enjoy themselves. A few sports I am considering are cycling (road or mountain bike), kayaking, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and a few others. Suggestions for new stuff is more than welcome? Volunteers to be my 'ambassador' to the sport as well as a spotlight athlete are even better!
Recently watched Sugar - The Bitter Truth - excellent if you can find the time and can get past the 'sciencey' stuff. Shows an interesting link to sugar in our diets, how it correlates to the obesity epidemic and the metabolic syndrome. My biggest take away was not the issue with the sugar you know, it's the sugar you don't. If I choose to eat ice cream or eat a candy or drink a soda (even Diet), then I know what I am getting myself into. But sugar (High Fructose Corn Syrup especially) added to bread, peanut butter, fruit juice, cereal, low-fat processed snack foods etc etc... That's where I feel decieved. FYI - there is a difference between sugar in fruits and the sugar added to fruit juice or just about every other food we eat. Watch it and learn. If I have time to watch it again and summarize the major points I will.
One little bike ride and I am ready and willing to drop down some coin on a new bike! (Notice that I did not say 'able') I'm looking for cheap options. Road tires for my mountain bike, a cheap road bike, a hybrid or maybe a used Cyclocross bike?? I'll mostly do roads, typically with the family, but I want the option go fast and the durablity to go off road if I choose to.
I still want to watch Food Inc. Has anyone seen it? What did you think? Did it change anything for you?
Food Inc is pretty powerful. I just ordered two copies to lend out to people at the gym to take home and watch. I want everybody coming to Dynamic to watch it and get a better understanding of the food they're feeding their families. I should have them next week, you're first on the list to take on home :)